Théo Mercier

Gᴖᴗdworld Studio+Company

Outremonde III – The Sleeping Chapter

Outremonde III – The Sleeping Chapter

Exhibition : Conciergerie de Paris
14 octobre 2022 – 8 janvier 2023
Show : Festival d’Automne à Paris & New Settings, Fondation d’entreprise Hermès

Outremonde is a series of living exhibitions initiated by Théo Mercier in 2021. Like a “gray zone” where the white cube of the museum and the black box of the theater meet, this series of exhibition-performances brings together for the first time the artist’s two practices as sculptor and stage director. The first Outremonde, presented in 2021 at the Collection Lambert in Avignon in collaboration with the Festival d’Avignon, served as a pilot for a three-part series that continued the following year with Outremonde II – Dream hunters at Luma Westbau Zurich (2022), then Outremonde III – The sleeping chapter at the Conciergerie in Paris (2022).

Using sand borrowed and sourced locally, The Sleeping Chapter is an experimental journey into the depths of night, REM sleep or conscious dreaming. Beneath the historic vaults of the Conciergerie in Paris, a vast landscape of ruined columns and unmade sandbeds emerges from the ground, silently guarded by sand dogs. Although these sculptures are inspired by the recumbent figures in the Basilique Saint-Denis and the Monastère de Brou, they feature the city’s “sleepers” rather than the “recumbents” of the Middle Ages, eternally accompanied by their faithful stone dogs. The imprint of bodies, the folds of sheets, the echo of breaths and the pulsation of light, site-specifically created by the artist for the famous monument, materialize these invisible presences and stories.

Moving from the deserted to the living landscape, a series of psychedelic, initiatory performances explore the exhibition’s mystery. Guided by an omniscient child, the public embarks on a sleep tour punctuated by somnambulistic encounters. By adopting a child’s and animal’s point of view of the night, The Sleeping Chapter finally gives substance to the knowledge and hell that live in our beds.

Image credits

Erwan Fichou

Théo Mercier

Gᴖᴗdworld Studio+Company



For the exhibition

Théo Mercier

Project manager and artistic consultant
Céline Peychet

Artistic collaboration & sand sculpture
Michela Ciappini, Enguerrand David, Johannes Hogebrink and Agnese Rudzīte-Kirillova

Music and sound composition
Pierre Desprats

Sound creation
Vanessa Court

Lighting design
Alexis Coussement (ACL), Théo Mercier and François Boulet

Stage manager
François Boulet

Artwork production assistants
Célia Boulesteix, Rémi Gaubert, Robinson Guillermet, Mathias Palazzi, Thomas Viers, with support from Jules Cassignol and Oundène Godefroy

Carpentry and metalwork
Théo Jouffroy

Sound engineer
Serge Lacourt

Lighting technicians
Antonin Legrand and Jonathan Toussaint

Big Bang

Sand handling
Art Levage and VESPIR

Octopus Cooperative and Crystal Group


During performances 

Stage direction
Théo Mercier

Performers and artistic collaborators
Marie de Corte, Lucie Debay, Grégoire Schaller, Fréderic Tavernini, Maxime Thébault and in alternation, Melvil Fichou Petit and Paul Allain

Dramaturgical collaboration
Florent Jacob

Choreographic collaboration
Steven Michel

Colombe Lauriot Prévost assisted by Célia Boulesteix

Production, diffusion & administration
Alma Office – Alix Sarrade, Camille Queval, Pierre Reis


Production Goodworld Studio+Company
Exhibition co-created with CMN

With the support of the Fondation d’entreprise Hermès as part of its New Settings program, and the Fonds de Dotation Vendredi soir.
With the Festival d’Automne à Paris
Production support from Ministère de la Culture – DRAC de Bretagne
Studio available at CND, center national de la danse, Pantin.

Tour dates